Monday, March 31, 2008


I copied this from a blog I looked at this funny!!

The Blogging Blah

I think I have the blogging blah. I want to post something new and exciting yet nothing jumps onto the screen. We have been doing things, I guess I think most people would be bored by the details.I'm sure that's not true and I do need to keep posting because I don't journal or scrapbook or have baby books for the kids. (I'm sure when I'm older I will regret some of that)

We showed the house three times last week....which is fantastic....we haven't heard anything so I am assuming no offers...but my house was really clean for a few days.

Still no new news about our next destination, journey, plan or whatever we are calling it these days. We are anxiously awaiting a direction to go in and it seems as if it may never happen. Yet, I do have some peace way down in my soul.....I think it is that constant battle of trusting God's timing.

This week I am praying for health for my family, great weather, an answer to Stan's job and a full price offer on our house!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Midnight thoughts

I really don't have anything new to post about. Stan was sick all last week and weekend so I think we are all recovering from that. I have been winding down some projects that I have been wanting to get done...taxes, going through kids clothes, organizing cupboards. My next one is finishing the Easter dresses that I am sewing for the girls. Well, let me rephrase that, starting the Easter dresses I will be sewing.
I did have a self driven guilt trip during the night. (Penelope was awake from 2-4:30am). Penelope will be nine months old at the end of the month and I never take any pictures of her. I am a bad mom! She will likely grow up thinking that she is unloved and not worthy because Teagan and Blake have more pictures then her. Just as I was really feeling guilty about not being one of the super cool scrap booking moms (which I would like to start scrapping) that has pictures of all my kids in chronological order by month.........Penelope snuggled down on to my neck. She let out that little baby sigh that makes your neck all warm and almost wet ( I love that!) and I realized that she will not hate me or end up in therapy because I neglected her picture book for a few months.
I like having these revelations but I would enjoy them even more if they weren't in the middle of the night!

PS-I caught Blake peeing in the bathroom sink! ewww