Monday, March 31, 2008

The Blogging Blah

I think I have the blogging blah. I want to post something new and exciting yet nothing jumps onto the screen. We have been doing things, I guess I think most people would be bored by the details.I'm sure that's not true and I do need to keep posting because I don't journal or scrapbook or have baby books for the kids. (I'm sure when I'm older I will regret some of that)

We showed the house three times last week....which is fantastic....we haven't heard anything so I am assuming no offers...but my house was really clean for a few days.

Still no new news about our next destination, journey, plan or whatever we are calling it these days. We are anxiously awaiting a direction to go in and it seems as if it may never happen. Yet, I do have some peace way down in my soul.....I think it is that constant battle of trusting God's timing.

This week I am praying for health for my family, great weather, an answer to Stan's job and a full price offer on our house!

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