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Last night was one of those nights with the kids where it just left me thinking "What the heck is going on?" I think between the three kids I was up about six times....they were all up! I don't know what was wrong with them but we ended up with kids sleeping in various areas of the house. I think it's always funny when I have to give Stan a warning when his alarm goes off.."Look out honey, Teagan's in the chair, Blake's on the futon and Punky...well I think I managed to get her back in her crib" Thank God I don't have to go to makes me so grateful for the flexibility of being a stay at home mom. If I had to get up for work this morning I would have cried....Bless all of you working moms!! On a worse note (hahahaha) exercise has been my enemy lately. I am having such a hard time working out. I am NOT motivated! We've got this great Hiker (when I say great I mean great as in it kicks my a@@) and Stan just bought me some killer new workout dvd's but I haven't been doing any of it. Ok...I've gotta get serious about this....
On a better note I found a branch of Gymboree called Crazy 8. (maybe you all know about it) Really cute kids clothes and if you shop the sales they are amazing!! Things for $2.99 and free shipping...I also have a promo code for 20% off, so if anyone is interested give me a holler. Hope everyone has a great day...and I will workout today!!
I've been doing a lot of thinking about Blake (I'm sure it's because we just celebrated his 3rd bday, check out our family blog) He is such an amazing little man and I am not just saying that because I'm his mom. The joy and laughter he has brought into our life has been unmeasurable. Let me give you a little history...Teagan Faith, our oldest daughter, is amazing. Her name means beautiful so we have always called her our Beautiful Faith. When she was just about five months old we were told that my dad had maybe six weeks to live...he made it 10 days. He passed away on his 56 birthday, it was a time filled with so much emotion, but with God's strength and the "Beautiful Faith" that He has given us we have been able to keep going.Just a couple of months after my dad's death we found out we were pregnant again. So many emotions filled up inside. We were very excited to be having another baby but I couldn't help to be somewhat sad inside. I knew my dad would never even know this child and this child would never know my dad. We did not find out the sex of the baby. I kept saying I really didn't care if the baby was a boy or a girl, but secretly I wanted a baby boy. (I've never told anyone that) Blake Robert entered the world much like his "Grumps" left the world, a calm room with a few family members at the bed. When the nurse set him on my chest and we were able to look and say "It's a boy" I just cried, if I would have had the chance I probably would have wailed. Blake is such an easy going guy. He is often times in his own little world. I don't think he knows how to dislike anyone (except Teagan at times). He makes us laugh all the time, almost as often as he makes himself laugh. He tells me he loves me probably twenty times a day, and I never get tired of it. When I tell him he is a good boy he simply replies "Or a good girl, mommy" and when I say he is a very special boy he let's me know "Or a special mommy" When I asked him what he is going to be when he gets big he said "A good man"It is unbelievable how much he acts like my dad, his easy going attitude and love for people is much like him. His slow meander of a walk and the way he presses his eyebrows sometimes stops me in my tracks. I have even seen him pick his nose in only a "Robert" way...(mom you know, the thumb thing).I am amazed that two creations a generation apart that have never spent a moment together can be so similar. I LOVE IT! I feel like God has blessed not only Stan and I but my entire family with more joy then we could have ever imagined. Blake, is well, Blake, he is one of a kind. Here's to you little man!
I have an MP3 player and I want to download songs onto it but I can not figure it out. (I know, all of you gadget buffs are laughing right now, especially you Sierra my wise 13 yr. old niece) The directions don't even make sense to me. So now I'm thinking maybe I should get an IPod instead of an MP3 player, but then what do I do with this perfectly good MP3 player? AHHH, all I want to do is listen to some music!! High tech stuff is not my cup of tea. I think it is all really cool but most of the time I just don't get it. I'm frustrated because I can't do what I want and I think it's because I'm behind in the tech world. So, could someone please explain to me the difference between and IPod and a MP3 player?!
We had a mild weekend...which I'm beginning to really enjoy. I love having company over or getting together with friends for food or games, but I am also beginning to really enjoy the calmness that some weekends can bring. Saturday we decided to head to the Sportsman Show at The Trac in Pasco. There were a lot of things to look at and the kids loved seeing all the "big bucks" ( the mounted deer and elk). I do think it was a little over priced to get in (all you do is walk thru the exhibits) but Stan really enjoyed it, he would have spent hours in there if he could have. I felt bad that he couldn't spend more time but with all three kids it didn't take long before someone needed food, a nap or both. It's probably a good thing we had the kids, he had his eye on a boat, so the kids saved us from getting one!Sunday we headed to church in town. We have been going to church over in Tri-Cities and we have enjoyed it, however, I have been longing for a church family here in Hermiston. It's completely ridiculous because I have no problem driving to the mall over there but I really don't like it for church. I think it is because I like going to bible studies, small groups and being involved in the church we attend and when you start going to Tri-Cities for all of that it seems like you are over there all the time. Maybe it's just an excuse....anyways, I think maybe we didn't give New Hope a fair chance when we first moved here. (Many reasons for that which I'll spare the details of) So, I am excited to learn more about New Hope and attend different groups it has to offer. After church our attention turned straight to football. It wasn't quite the same since Stan's beloved Seahawks weren't playing but any football is better then none in our house. I think we are big dorks!! You would have thought we were having loads of people over to watch it with us based on the amount of food that we had, sub sandwiches, a big pot of soup, chips...but it was just us. I'm thinking of hosting a Superbowl Party, maybe even without kids.
So, I was unaware that there was question as to where we are. (it makes me feel good to know people were thinking of us, thanks guys!)We are still in Hermiston! (I must be a real hermit) We still have our house for sale and we still don't know what we are doing or where we are going. We are waiting to hear about a specific job that Stan put in for about seven months ago. We think we will have an answer by the end of this month (but then again we thought that in October and November, too) To put it sweetly.....we have no idea what is going on.I do know....God has a great plan for us as a family. I feel like when I can be broken enough, once and for all, to F.R.O.G. (Fully Rely On God) and get out of His way, then the plan for us will be abundantly clear. (doesn't mean it will be what I want or what is easy)I do know....these last two years have been some of the most trying times in my life. I have learned many things about myself, my marriage, my family, my friends and my God.I do know....that we may end up staying in Hermiston. That is a scary sentence to write! I know many people that have been transplanted here have felt those very emotions. I also know that if this is where we are suppose to be then I will be content!I do know....I need to put more focus on others and less focus on myself. How can I serve others? What have I exchanged my life for today? What did I show/teach my children today?I do know...I am going to stop feeling sorry for myself. Nobody wants to be around an Eeyore..."Poor me, I lost my tail again" I have a wonderful husband, amazing children, great family and a beautiful home (who cares if there's a for sale sign in the yard)Today is a new day!
Well, here she is, the first post on my new blog. I wanted a space for me to, well, just be me. Talk about my likes, my desires, my days, my thoughts, my frustrations, my joys, my family... it may sound selfish to some but for me it's an outlet...a much needed one at that. I will continue to post on our family blog but this one is all mine!